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"Chef Michael Anthony Brings Old School Garlic to New York City"
"Dale Talde is Jumping for Soy" Dale Talde's barrel-aged soy sauce
"Edi and the Wolf (and the Pig)" Eduard Frauneder's Mangalitsa Pig
"A Root to Remember" Simpson Wong's Ginseng
"Forbidden Fruit" Heather Carlucci's Heirloom Apples
"Reign It In" Ed Schoenfeld's King Crab
"Porcini: From Forest to Fork" Gabriel Thompson's Porcini Pasta
"From Tap to Table" Zachary Golper's Bien Cuit
"A Sweet Summer with People's Pops" Nathalie Jordi's People's Pops
"White Hot" April Bloomfield's Take On Truffles
"A Well-Planned Fluke" Chris Rendell's Montauk Fluke
"Jeepney's Big Adventure" Miguel Trinadad's Bagoong
"Preparing Sea Urchin: The Missy Robbins' Way" Missy Robbins' Sea Urchin
"Chef Michael Anthony Brings Old School Garlic to New York City"
"Dale Talde is Jumping for Soy" Dale Talde's barrel-aged soy sauce
"Edi and the Wolf (and the Pig)" Eduard Frauneder's Mangalitsa Pig
"A Root to Remember" Simpson Wong's Ginseng
"Forbidden Fruit" Heather Carlucci's Heirloom Apples
"Reign It In" Ed Schoenfeld's King Crab
"Porcini: From Forest to Fork" Gabriel Thompson's Porcini Pasta
"From Tap to Table" Zachary Golper's Bien Cuit
"A Sweet Summer with People's Pops" Nathalie Jordi's People's Pops
"White Hot" April Bloomfield's Take On Truffles
"A Well-Planned Fluke" Chris Rendell's Montauk Fluke
"Jeepney's Big Adventure" Miguel Trinadad's Bagoong
"Preparing Sea Urchin: The Missy Robbins' Way" Missy Robbins' Sea Urchin